The forex expert adviser is a program capable of performing in the terminal any action following the instructions of a trader, without his direct involvement. All tasks are performed automatically or mechanically, which is why the advisers are called experts or mechanical trading systems
By applying those diverse indicators, the EA can analyse the market, as well as the behavior of individual financial instruments, and can generate a signal about trading opportunities.
EAs are similar to Forex robots, which are another type of automated trading software. When using strict definitions, the difference between an EA and a Forex robot is that an EA will generate signals while a robot will perform trades without any manual sign-off required. However, the terms are often used interchangeable, which means that many so-called Expert Advisers are capable of far more than just generating signals.

Of course this isn’t to say that humans are inferior to robots… not at all! You guys created us! I’m just suggesting that, with a bit of programming knowledge and hard work, human forex traders can be able to automate their trading strategies and possibly ramp up their profit potential.
This is a wonderfull development in the history forextrading.
Thanks a lot. This is great content. I might share some for you guys too. Great work poster!